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Permission To Podcast

Ep 61: Permission To Change Your Habits (aka how I quit coffee)

Have you ever tried to change a habit and felt like you were stuck in quicksand? Habits can be like quicksand - once you're in, it can be tough to get out. But don't worry, it's not impossible to change your habits and create new ones that work better for you.

In this episode, we'll be talking about how to change your habits using tips from James Clear's book, "Atomic Habits." I'll share my own story of quitting coffee and how I used James' strategies to make it happen. 

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode of Permission To

  • Sam’s journey with quitting coffee three years ago

  • Why it's important to understand your "why" before changing a habit

  • Breaking down your habit into smaller, bite-sized steps

If you're ready to make a change in your life, whether it's quitting a bad habit or starting a new one, then tune in to this episode. 

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